The Fast Funding Process for Real Estate Investments

The Fast Funding Process for Real Estate Investments

How frustrating would it be to find the perfect property only to get bogged down by slow and cumbersome funding processes?

You see, timing is everything when it comes to the real estate business.

The market conditions and property availability can change rapidly. With new trends, quick actions can secure the best deals and maximize returns. However, you need fast funding for real estate investments.

Many investors experience frustration as they wait for funds to materialize, and often miss out on prime opportunities.

But what if securing financing didn’t have to be such a headache? At InstaLend, we provide you with quick access to the hard money loans for real estate investments that can be an absolute game-changer.

Understanding Fast Funding for Real Estate Investments

Fast funding refers to the ability to secure capital quickly to capitalize on real estate deals. This process is particularly relevant for investors who need to move fast on property purchases, renovations, or other investment opportunities.

The primary advantage of fast funding is that it allows investors to respond swiftly to market conditions and investment opportunities.

A house made up of 100-dollar bills

Step-by-Step Guide to Fast Funding

Here are 5 steps to get fast funds for real estate investment:

Step 1: Pre-Approval Process

  • Initial Contact: Reach out to a direct hard money lender or a real estate lending platform. Provide basic information about your investment needs and financial status.
  • Documentation Submission: Submit required documents such as proof of income, credit reports, and details about the property in question. Some hard money lenders may require less paperwork compared to traditional banks.
  • Quick Review: The lender will conduct a rapid assessment of your application. Many real estate hard money lenders focus more on the property’s value and your investment plan rather than your credit score.

Step 2: Property Evaluation

  • Property Appraisal: The real estate hard money lenders will evaluate the property to determine its market value and potential return on investment. This step helps to ensure that the investment is sound and meets the lender’s criteria.
  • Inspection: A quick property inspection may be required to assess its condition and the scope of any needed repairs or renovations. This helps the lender understand the potential risks and rewards of the investment.
A real estate lender evaluating a kitchen of a house while the female real estate agent stands at the back

Step 3: Loan Approval

  • Conditional Approval: Once the property evaluation is complete, you’ll receive conditional approval based on the findings. This approval outlines the terms of the loan, including the interest rate, repayment period, and any conditions you must meet.
  • Final Approval: After meeting all conditions, the lender will issue final approval. This step involves signing the loan agreement and completing any remaining paperwork.

Step 4: Funding Disbursement

  • Disbursement of Funds: Upon final approval, the lender will disburse the funds quickly, often within a few days. These funds are typically used for purchasing the property, funding renovations, or other investment-related expenses.
  • Utilization: Use the funds as planned, keeping track of expenses and adhering to the investment strategy outlined in your loan application.

Step 5: Repayment and Management

  • Repayment Schedule: Adhere to the agreed repayment schedule. Most hard money real estate loans have short terms, so it’s important to manage your cash flow carefully.
  • Monitoring: Regularly monitor the progress of your investment and ensure that you meet all obligations outlined in the loan agreement.

4 Benefits of Fast Funding

  1. Quick Access to Capital: Fast funding allows investors to secure capital quickly, making it easier to seize investment opportunities before they slip away.
  2. Minimal Paperwork: Compared to traditional lending methods, fast funding often involves less paperwork and fewer bureaucratic hurdles.
  3. Competitive Edge: Access to fast funding gives investors a competitive edge in a crowded market, enabling quicker decision-making and negotiation.
  4. Flexibility: Real estate lending platforms often offer flexible terms and conditions tailored to the investor’s needs.

4 Challenges and Solutions

1. High-Interest Rates


Hard money loans often come with higher interest rates compared to traditional mortgages. This rate can range from 10% to 18%. This can increase the overall cost of borrowing and impact your investment’s profitability.


To address high interest rates, ensure that your investment plan includes a detailed cost-benefit analysis. Calculate the potential return on investment (ROI) to confirm that the increased borrowing cost is outweighed by the profits.

Additionally, consider negotiating with lenders for better terms or exploring alternative hard money lenders who might offer more competitive rates. Properly vetting multiple lenders can help you find the best possible deal.

2. Short Term Hard Money Loan


Many hard money loans have short repayment periods, often ranging from six months to a few years. This can create pressure to quickly complete renovations and sell the property or refinance before the loan term expires.


Plan your renovation and sales strategy carefully to align with the loan term. Create a realistic timeline for completing renovations and listing the property.

If you anticipate needing more time, discuss potential extensions with your lender before finalizing the loan agreement. Some real estate hard money lenders might offer flexibility in repayment terms if you can demonstrate a strong investment plan and progress.

A closeup of 100-dollar bills

3. Property Valuation Risks


If the property appraisal comes in lower than expected, it can reduce the amount of funding you receive. This can affect your budget for renovations and limit your ability to proceed with the investment.


Ensure that you provide accurate and detailed information about the property to the appraiser. Work with experienced real estate professionals to get a reliable property valuation before applying for a loan.

If the appraisal value is lower than anticipated, consider revising your investment plan or negotiating with the lender for a possible increase in the loan amount based on additional supporting evidence or adjustments to your project scope.

4. Finding The Right Lender


Finding a suitable hard money lender can be challenging, particularly if you’re new to real estate investing or if you’re looking for specific loan terms.


Expand your search for lenders by reaching out to multiple hard money lenders and real estate lending platforms. Consult a real estate lending platform with a track record of working with investors in your market.

Networking with other real estate investors and joining investment groups can provide referrals to reputable lenders.

Get Quick Funding For Your Real Estate Investment with InstaLend

Unlock the potential of swift funding with InstaLend! Our efficient and fast funding solutions for real estate investments are designed to meet your needs without the typical delays. We offer rental property financing, new construction loans, as well as real estate bridge and fix and flip loans.

Our dedicated team is here to guide you through every step of the hard money loan process. Get the support you need from a direct hard money lender who understands the urgency of real estate deals. Apply for a loan now and experience the difference of fast, reliable funding for your next investment.

  • August 14, 2024